Dear Gururaj kulkarni please find as below log script as you required....: -
'GL_Transaction_Entry Post_Button CHG on form GL_Transaction_Entry'
'icDistributionsExist', 0, 79070, "GCL", 0, 0, 0
'SQLScriptPath', 0, 1, 2988, ""
'AreChildWindowsClosed() of form GL_Transaction_Entry', 0, 0
'Is_Open of form MC_Exchange_Rate_Entry', "General Entry", 0
'IsOpenXRateEntry of form MC_Exchange_Rate_Entry', "General Entry", 0
'Check_Posting_Permission', 2, 3, 0
'Check_Security()', 0, 0, 600, 203, "", 0
'ExcludedFromSecurity() of form sySecurityTaskEntry', 0, 0, 203, 600
'FA_TRIGGER_AFTER_ExcludeFromSecurity()', 0, 0, 203, 600
'svcExcludedFromSecurity()', 0, 0, 203, 600
'ASI_ExcludeFromSecurity()', 0, 0, 203, 600
'MR_ExcludedFromSecurity_POST()', 0, 0, 203, 600
'Allow_GL_Transaction_Posting', "GLTRX", 0
'Return_View_Mode of form GL_Transaction_Entry', 0
'GLRevalInProcess() of form MC_Revaluation', 0
'GL_Transaction_Entry l_ValidateStats_CHG on form GL_Transaction_Entry'
'Adjust_Rounding_Difference of form GL_Transaction_Entry', 1, 0, 0.00000, table 'GL_TRX_LINE_WORK'
'Add_Posting_Security_Record', 2, "General Entry", "79070", 1, 1
'TRIG_IFProcessDistributionPostNormalTRXHDRPRE', 1, 0, 1, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00000, 0-, table 'GL_TRX_HDR_WORK', table 'Batch_Headers', table 'GL_SETP'
'Is_IF_Activated() of form cIFSetup', 0
'Post_Normal_TRX_HDR', 1, 0, 1, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00000, 0-, table 'GL_TRX_HDR_WORK', table 'Batch_Headers', table 'GL_SETP'
'CalculateGLTaxes() of form coTaxSetup', 0
'IsCompanyOptionActive()', 0, 1, 14
'UseTaxPeriods() of form coTaxSetup', 0
'IsCompanyOptionActive()', 0, 1, 10
'glpPostRealTime', 0, 3, 1, 79070, "sa", "XGL_Normal", "sa", 0, 0, 1, "PKR", 1008, 2, 1, 0, 1, "GCL", "Microsoft Dynamics GP", 1, 1, 0, "", "", 0.00000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
'SQLDeadLockRetryCount()', 0
'SQLScriptPath', 0, 1, 2984, ""
'Warning_Dialog', 35100, "glpPostRealTime", "515", "0", 1, ""
'Security', 0, 2, 116, ""
'Security()', 0, 0, 2, 116, "", 1
'isDynUtils() of form LibSystem', 0
'ExcludedFromSecurity() of form sySecurityTaskEntry', 0, 0, 116, 2
'FA_TRIGGER_AFTER_ExcludeFromSecurity()', 1, 0, 116, 2
'svcExcludedFromSecurity()', 1, 0, 116, 2
'ASI_ExcludeFromSecurity()', 1, 0, 116, 2
'MR_ExcludedFromSecurity_POST()', 1, 0, 116, 2
'GetAlternateModifiedSettings', 0, 2, 116, 0, 0
'SQLPath', 0, 7, 179, ""
'Create() of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 0, 0-, table 'sySecurityAssignUserModAlt', "", 0, 0
'ClearRange of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 1-
'SetIndex of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 1-, "sa", 1
'Get() of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 0, 1-, 25
'Get() of form TableObj', 0, 1-, table 'sySecurityAssignUserModAlt', 25
'GetSecurityModAltFormsID() of form sySecurityUserModAlt', "", 1-
'Release of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 1-
'Destroy of form sySecurityUserModAlt', 1-
'SQLPath', 0, 7, 178, ""
'Create() of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 0, 0-, table 'sySecurityAssignModAltOperations', "", 0, 0, 101, 0
'ClearRange of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 1-
'SetIndex of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 1-, "DEFAULTUSER", 0, 116, 2
'Get() of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 0, 1-, 25
'Get() of form TableObj', 0, 1-, table 'sySecurityAssignModAltOperations', 25
'Release of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 1-
'Destroy of form sySecurityModAltOperations', 1-
'ProductNameSubstitution()', "", "The stored procedure %1 returned the following results: DBMS: %2, @PROD@: %3."
'SY_Error_Message WIN PRE on form SY_Error_Message'
'TRIG_IFProcessDistributionPostNormalTRXHDRPOST', 1, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.00000, 0-, table 'GL_TRX_HDR_WORK', table 'Batch_Headers', table 'GL_SETP'
'Is_IF_Activated() of form cIFSetup', 0
'Add_Posting_Security_Record', 2, "General Entry", "79070", 1, 2
'Delete_Allocation_Work_TRX', 2, 79070
'glpRealtimeAllocationCleanup', 0, 79070, 0
'SQLScriptPath', 0, 1, 2985, ""
'Delete_Batch_Activtiy_Record', "XGL_Normal", "sa", 1, 0
'GL_Transaction_Entry Sort_By_CHG on form GL_Transaction_Entry'
'SY_Error_Message OK_Button_CHG on form SY_Error_Message'