Hello all,
I'm attempting to have Dynamics 365 Business Central be able to track and calculate inventory through different units of measures assigned to them. What would be the best way to do so?
As an example, below is a snippet of the different units of measure for one of our items. We had the 5G (gallons) bucket set up as the base unit of measure, and I've put 0.2 gallons to represent the relationship between the two. Is this done correctly?
Ideally, I'd like to change the base UOM to gallons and have the other UOMs hold coefficients of >1 in relation to the base UOM - i.e 1 quantity of 5G bucket entered through purchasing would equate to 5 base UOM of gallons. However, I'm getting the error message /You cannot modify Item Unit of Measure 5G BUCKET for item because non-zero Quantity with 5G BUCKET exists in Warehouse Entry./ - presumably because we have inventory in the ERP and it cannot be converted.
Lastly - is there a way to define the same conversion for all items? Seems very redundant for me to have to enter the same relationship to all affected items - i.e 5 gallon bucket = 5 galloons. Per a quick search online, the results seem to suggest the possibility. But for whatever reason, I cannot find the same menus/buttons in my business central.
Many thanks in advance!