Is there any link between purchasing equipment and turning it into a fixed asset or are they two separate modules within BC?
If there is, can someone please explain the exact process?
Can you also sell off fixed assets via a Purchase Invoice?
You can create Fixed Asset purchases into the Acquisition amounts under the Fixed Asset Card. You will have to set your Depreciation Book with G/L Integration = TRUE. Here are the steps:
NOTE: You must have already created the fixed asset card for the fixed asset in question. In order to complete this task, the integration with the general ledger should be activated for the COMPANY depreciation book.
Post the acquisition cost through Purchase Invoice -
Example Scenario - To post the acquisition cost for the Reception Department Computer fixed asset, create and post the purchase invoice by using the information in the following table.
Field | Value |
Document Type | Invoice |
FA Posting Date | 2/24/2021 |
FA Posting Type | Acquisition Cost |
Amount | 1,000.00 |
Bal. Account Type | G/L Account |
Bal. Account No. | 2910 |
Leave the Depr. Until FA Posting Date and Depr. Acquisition Cost fields empty since this is not a depreciation entry.
Step 1: Post the Acquisition Cost through the Purchase Invoice
Detailed Steps
1. Create a new purchase invoice.
a. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Financial Management > Payables > Purchase Invoices.
b. Click New.
2. Fill in the fields on the General FastTab of the invoice.
a. Press ENTER to create a new purchase invoice number.
b. In the Buy-from Vendor No. field, click the field and select vendor.
c. In the Vendor Invoice No. field, enter number.
d. In the Posting Date field, type “2/24/2021”.
3. On the Lines FastTab, add a line with the acquisition cost.
a. On the Lines FastTab, in the Type field, select the field, and then click Fixed Asset.
b. In the No., field, select the field and then click the Reception Department Computer fixed asset.
c. In the FA Posting Type field, select Acquisition Cost.
d. In the Quantity field, enter 1.
e. In the Direct Unit Cost Excl. VAT field, enter 1,000.00.
f. Enter Bal. Account Type and No.
4. Post the invoice.
a. Click Post to post the invoice.
b. When you receive the message “Do you want to post the Invoice?”, click Yes.
5. Verify the book value on the fixed asset card.
a. In the navigation pane, click Departments > Financial Management > Fixed Assets > Fixed Assets, and then double-click the fixed asset card for the Reception Department Computer fixed asset.
Verify that the current book value in the Book Value field on the Lines FastTab corresponds to the posted acquisition cost.
Hope this helps.
We used this video to link PO to fixed asset. Also, the second link is the one that our team used to sale fixed asset.
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