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Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

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Good day

It would be really great if someone could provise some insight on my query below please.

I'm trying to do an IC journal and an IC sales transaction where Co # A is in GBP and Co # B is in USD.   My IC Partnerships have been defined in both companies with the currency ID field completed as necessary.    I've also stated the currency id on the IC Customer in Co # A and on the the IC Vendor in Co # B.

My journal does arrive in the Inter Co Inbox in Co # B and I can successfully cuase it to create an Inter Co Journal.    However, I've had to pull on the Currency ID field on othe IC journal and I can see that it is empty.  Unless I manually key in the relevant currency id, the journal behaves as if it is a LCY transaction in co # B.

My sales invoice from co # A does automatically create a purchase invoice in co # B but again, the currency id field is empty.    If I key in the currency id then all the deail lines on the invoice clear out.

I'm wondering what step I'm missing in doing these Munti-currency IC transactions and any insight would be welcome.

Thank you


  • Suggested answer
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    the support case is on support queue

  • Marmeduke8 Profile Picture
    Marmeduke8 on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Thanks guys

    I have logged it and here is the ticket number 2103300040001520

    Best regards all.


  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions


    Here is link:



  • Marmeduke8 Profile Picture
    Marmeduke8 on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello Steve

    Perhaps you missed the part where I said that I was ok with the currency in the target company for an inter company transaction.   My setups for the IC partnership are all in order.

    The bigger issue is the need to have the local currency as an entry in the currecy table.   That is the last part of my query around the IC MC transaction and that is where Alessandro has said that he also thinks it is an error and that I should log it.

    Coming from a Great Plains background, I am familiar with logging a support request on Partnersource for Great Plains.   Could you guide me please on how to log a support request for Business Central?

    Thank you

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions


    While Alessandro is reviewing just one question...

    I want to look at setup more. No matter if the currencies are different for parent and child companies, it is simply handled as Business central handle different currencies of customers and vendors. You can even change the currency for IC transactions from the local currency. You need to setup Intercompany partner. See the image below:


    Let's take the example that you have written above. Taking the assumption that you have done IC setup and specified the currency of parent as USD. If child company has done a transaction in foreign currency USD and it is local currency for parent company then when you post this transaction it is treated as Foreign currency in child company but it will be treated as USD that is local currency (if you have not changed it on the Intercompany Partners setup).

    Just checking to make sure this was setup.

    Hope this helps.



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello Marmeduke8

    sorry to be in late but I was out for a while

    I think is an error, so you can log a support request to us and I can report it to have a fix

    Please let me know when you have open the request

  • RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello Mameduk8

    I need some more days to complete the whole test and verify if it is an error or not

    I'll be back to you very soon

  • Marmeduke8 Profile Picture
    Marmeduke8 on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello again Alessandro

    I was wondering if you've had time to re-visit this currency issue for me please?

    Thank you

  • RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello Marmeduke8

    very intersting point, need to investigate a bit more

    If the LCY is USD you don't need to have USD currency in the currecies table

    I'll be back to you with my findigns

    Have a good day

  • Marmeduke8 Profile Picture
    Marmeduke8 on at
    RE: Multi-currency Inter Co transactions

    Hello Allessandro and thank you for the reply.

    I'm now ok with the entry being in the LCY of the target company - in my case USD.   I'm successful with my Inter Co journal from my GBP company where I use the Bal Type Customer and the Bal Acc No is the Customer which I have set up and referenced in my Inter Co Partnership.   In my GBP company, that customer is set up as a USD customer.

    However, when I capture a Sales Invoice in my GBP company for that same USD customer, once it arrives in the USD company, it sits in the Inbox and if I try to accept it, it thows an error about "the field Currency Code of table Purchase Header contains a value (USD) that cannot be found in the related table (Currency)."

    As I am in the USD company, I do not have the USD currency code in my list of currencies.  In my understanding, I don't need to have the LCY currency code as a code in the Currencies table.   This is now confusing me.    Only if I add the USD as a Currency Code in the USD company will the Purchase Invoice move out of the Inbox.  I can then post it as a LCY purchase invoice.

    Is there some other setting that could be causing the Purchase Invoice to be needing the LCY Currency Code to also exist in the Currencies table that you know of please?

    I do thank you for your time.



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