I wasn't able to find out an answer from anywhere so I'm thinking I'll ask the question here. We're going through data migration for a BC + Dynamics 365 sales, and this involves a large number of data in the initial sync. We've found out that during the sync, sometimes error happens (e.g. generic error: Unable to communicate with Dataverse.../). This result in the job queue being stuck in Error state, but there's probably some background processes running in the back end that causes the job queue to not finish yet.
Then, another session of the job queue kick starts (in /Job Queue Log Entries/, we can see two or more concurrent log entries with /In Process/ status running at the same time). This resulted in duplicate data, where:
1. BC Records are not coupled, but then an additional BC record of the same data is coupled to one CRM record, and
Has anyone encountered issues like this? And what did you do to overcome this?