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Duplicate connection records are getting created

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Hi All Experts,

i am choosing some connection records using advanced find from the CRM by using some filter criteria and exporting the same into the excel file.

Now i am modifying the records into the excel file without doing anything to three hidden columns.

After importing the records the import log shows that the number of records which are imported into the CRM are same as in the excel file.


When i am using advanced find the exact double records are getting displayed there.

is it expected behavior or how is it. I think this could be a bug from Microsoft.

  • RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    THen I think there's no option outside of a ticket to MS.  When I import records ensuring to follow those step in my environment it works fine.

  • EmployeeOcta Profile Picture
    EmployeeOcta on at
    RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    1. Are you leaving the hidden fields/columns in the file (columns A-C) alone when you are working with it and re-uploading it?  Yes , i am leaving the hidden columns as it is.

    2. Are you ensuring that all 3 steps of the dupe detection are addressed as I posted and that you are definitely selecting to NOT allow dupes when re-uploading? Yes. i am ensuring this.

  • RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    2 questions:

    1. Are you leaving the hidden fields/columns in the file (columns A-C) alone when you are working with it and re-uploading it?
    2. Are you ensuring that all 3 steps of the dupe detection are addressed as I posted and that you are definitely selecting to NOT allow dupes when re-uploading?
  • EmployeeOcta Profile Picture
    EmployeeOcta on at
    RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    I am pasting the column names which we are taking here into consideration.

    Since i cannot paste the data so i believe this will be helpful.

    Connected To Role (To) Connected From Role (From) Owner

    I am exporting connection records into the excel and changing the Connected To field with some other user name and after changes are done i am again reimporting the excel file.

  • RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    Unfortunetly, if everythings is correct as you say, I would bee to see the upload file and watch you do the upload process in order to see if I can spot what the problem might be.

  • EmployeeOcta Profile Picture
    EmployeeOcta on at
    RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    Hello Lorne,

    I am not having duplicate detection rule applied on connection entity records.

    But rest of the settings which needs to be taken care are correct .

    I am trying to export some connection records data and modifying Connected To field and reuploading that,

    But my problem is that it's creating duplicate records.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Duplicate connection records are getting created

    It's not a bug.  You need to,

    1. have duplicate records detection enabled
    2. pastedimage1628102561389v1.png
    3. have duplicate records detection rules
    4. pastedimage1628102671850v2.png
    5. have duplicate records detection jobs (I only have one for accounts in this environment)
    6. pastedimage1628102877993v3.png
    7. And most importantly when you're doing the reimport and the dialogue comes up and there is a radio button for "allow duplicates" make sure you choose "no".
    8. pastedimage1628103231785v4.png

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