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Customized Autonumber for WO entity

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Posted on by 873

Hello everyone,

I want to add a new field in the Work order form and update that field upon case creation as below:

-Creator Belonging BU - WO number generated after creation.

Example: User A belongs to WA BU; User B belongs to UAE BU.

The output result should be:

WA-00001 / for user A
UAE-00002 / for user B

I thought about a power automate could flow to achieve the above. However, If I decided to split the BU field and add another field to concat the WO number with the BU field is it possible to create a calculated field to achieve that? Can please provide an example of that option?

What about the first option, is power automate the easiest way for doing it without writing a custom code (plugin)?

Any advice is highly appreciated.

  • EBMRay Profile Picture
    EBMRay 873 on at
    RE: Customized Autonumber for WO entity

    Dear Leah,

    I apologize for the late response.

    Thank you so much for providing an example and steps to achieve that scenario.

    Your assistance is highly appreciated.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Customized Autonumber for WO entity

    Hi EBMRay,

    Can you click Yes under "Did this answer your question?" to close this thread if my answer is helpful?



  • Verified answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Customized Autonumber for WO entity

    Hi EBMRay,

    It's hard to use power automate to achieve the first option, which is not one easy thing, so 'split the BU field and add another field to concat the WO number' is one viable solution.

    By default, there is one owningbusinessunit lookup field, which is set to the business unit of the owner (which is either a team business unit or a user business unit).


    You can concat it with wo number to fill another new field:


    Test result:


    Note: the owningbusinessunit field is based on owner, it will change when owner change.

    If you are not sure that the owner is always the creator, you need to create a new BU lookup field, then create a workflow to update BU with value from createdby.

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