Re: PO problem. Pleae HELP!!!
Hi Niju, a down and dirty solution is as follows:
(as with all 'solutions' like this - 1. Back up your date. 2. Try it in a test company first 3. Run Checklinks and reconcile against the purchasing series afterwads. 4. Test, Test, and test again).
Update the underlying tables in GP to set the PO's to be Cancelled. The tables you are concerned with are POP10100 (PO Headers) and POP10100 (PO Lines).
you will want to:
UPDATE pop10100 SET POSTATUS = '6'
UPDATE pop10100 SET STATGRP = '2'
UPDATE pop10110 SET POLNESTA = '6'
HOWEVER - you will probably not want to run this aginst every PO - so you will need some kind of filter to limit the PO transactions that this runs against. If you knew that it was all PO's prior to a certain date, then you could add a where clause to the queries along the lines of:
WHERE docdate < '2009-12-31 00:00:00.000'
Or in your case maybe look at filtering where the status is 1 (New), 2 (Released) or 3 (Change Order)
But be very careful!! Lines could have received values, but the order could be a change order if a new line was added etc.
As I said - test very carefully.
Once the PO's are cancelled, you could look at transferring them to history in the nornal way. This will give you some level of comfort from a data validity point of view. Once they get transferred to history, they are out of the way as such.
Best regards,