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From the Sales Mobile App, users wants to create a task but the ActivityId field is showing required/mandatory and we want to know how to turn off the requirement

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From the Sales Mobile App and only if you click the + sign at the bottom middle of the form > it shows ActivityID is required. We want to know how to create a task by turning-off the ActivityID field

ActivityId field is showing required/mandatory and we want to know how to turn off the requirement. The task cannot be created without the ID filled and users don't want to fill this as its not useful.
When we tested in Web browser the field doesn't appear.


We looked into other forms for the Task entity and this field is not on a single form. In addition, this same field appeared on the 'Phone call' and 'appointment form' on the Sales App. I was able to resolve this by making that activityID field optional. However, that is not an option with Task creation.

Ask - Users wants to click the + sign and create a task without having the mandatory activityID field.

Looking for suggestions.

  • Purushotham Profile Picture
    Purushotham on at
    RE: From the Sales Mobile App, users wants to create a task but the ActivityId field is showing required/mandatory and we want to know how to turn off the requirement


    The ActivityId is a mandatory field to be filled in. However, it doesn't make sense to fill the field when we are creating a new Task. Without filling any data in that field, Save button stays grey.

    when we fill random data, we can save the task.

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: From the Sales Mobile App, users wants to create a task because Activityid as its required/mandatory and how to turn off requirement


    I'd like to know if the field needs to be filled in manually or it can be left as blank and generated automatically after creation.

    Will there be an error message if you create it without filling it in?

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