We have a large reporting tree.
When the CFO and controller run the reports the indexes get scrambled and we have to restore a known working sysdata backup to proceed. Sometimes they have to restore it several times to get through the whole process.
Logged into the terminal server as myself I can run the report logged in as myself with no problems.
If logged into the terminal server as myself, but run FRx as the controller or CFO, then the indexes crash. at that point, eve logged in as myself, the indexes are bad.
to fix this, we have to restore sysdata and replace the c:\users\[username]\Appdata\local\FRx67 folder with a backup to restore my ability to run the reports.
If I log into FRx as the CFO but do not check the reindex checkbox, we can run the same report I just ran and updated the index.
The CFO has full control rights over the FRX folder that contains sysdata and so on.
I have run the server side reindex acouple of times, but since restoring the sysdata fixes it, I am pretty sure that is not the issue.
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