The "Challege": For skinning Dynamics Portal / Power Portal we wanted to use SCSS to take advantage of all the nice features of SCSS compared to CSS. However this does not fit well to the way MS allows to manage / edit files using point&click.
The "Solution":
During development: Set up any web IDE (JetBrains, ...), utilizing built-in scss compiler. Automatically upload this to any publicly accessible location (ftp server, any location outside dataverse) for sake of quicker turnaround times.
Store all required scss source files in GIT repoin Azure DevOps. In our case, we have only one main "style.scss" in the root folder of the repo, utilizing a lot of modular scss files in subfolders.
Via ADO Pipeline, upon checkin (and push) this file is SCSS compiled via node module and, this is the tricky part, via PowerShell magic, added as "annotation" (aka "Note") to the corresponding "adx_webfile" with the same name we initially created manually on the target site.
In a nutshell, what the PS commands to:
The way Microsoft designed the storage of binary content of web files this will cause the new content to be accessible via the provided partial URL.
As sharing is caring, maybe someone wants to use that as starting point for setting up a less point-and-click development cycle... ;-)
Have fun!
trigger: - main pool: vmImage: windows-latest steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: '10.x' displayName: 'Install Node.js' - task: PowerPlatformSetConnectionVariables@2 inputs: authenticationType: 'PowerPlatformSPN' PowerPlatformSPN: '' Environment: '' name: connectionVariables displayName: Set Output Variables continueOnError: false - powershell: Install-Module Microsoft.Xrm.Data.Powershell -Scope CurrentUser -Force displayName: 'Install Microsoft.Xrm.Data.PowerShell' - powershell: | npm install -g sass git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" fetch --all git checkout main git branch md build -ea 0 sass style.scss --style compressed >build/FOOBAR.min.css git config "" git config "Automatic Build" git add build/* git commit -m "Automatic Build $(Build.BuildNumber)" git tag $(build.buildNumber) echo push commit git -c http.extraheader="AUTHORIZATION: bearer $(System.AccessToken)" push origin main --tags $Cred=Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString "AuthType=ClientSecret;url=;ClientId=$(connectionVariables.BuildTools.ApplicationId);ClientSecret=$(connectionVariables.BuildTools.ClientSecret)" cd build $filename="FOOBAR.min.css" $adx_webfile=(Get-CrmRecords -conn $Cred -EntityLogicalName adx_webfile -FilterAttribute adx_name -FilterOperator eq -FilterValue "$filename").CrmRecords[0].adx_webfileid $adx_webfileref=[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.EntityReference]::new("adx_webfile",$adx_webfile) New-CrmRecord -conn $Cred -EntityLogicalName annotation -Fields @{"filename"=$filename;"documentbody"=[System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes((Get-Content $filename)));"objectid"=$adx_webfileref} displayName: 'SASS'
PS: Remember to replace FOOBAR with something more reasonable!
PPS: As we decided to pass this configuration via normal release process from environment to environment, above process is updating the CSS only on the Dev environment. A content release process then picks all assets up and moves to Test - and finally to Prod.
André Arnaud de Cal...
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