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Is any alternative to ILMerge?

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I am wondering if I can get some help with ILMerge related clarification query.

Basically, I have the below 2 (D365 online) scenarios and wondering if there is any way to avoid doing the ILmerge!?:

1) I have got a Plugin project that uses Newtonsoft.Json Nuget package as a project reference and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying the same plugin.

2) Also, I have a custom code activity that uses a "Business Library" based visual studio project reference (which is also used in other project types e.g. Console app etc) and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying it.

Can I please be advised if doing the ILMerge is the only option here?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Regards, AR

  • Suggested answer
    a33ik Profile Picture
    a33ik 84,325 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Is any alternative to ILMerge?


    There are options:

    1. Newtonsoft.Json - use .Net serialization instead -

    2. Regarding the "Shared Logic" library - you can use Shared Project -

  • ARTECH Profile Picture
    ARTECH 247 on at
    Is ILMerge only the option?


    I am wondering if I can get some help with ILMerge related clarification query.

    Basically, I have the below 2 (D365 online) scenarios and wondering if there is any way to avoid doing the ILmerge!?:

    1) I have got a Plugin project that uses Newtonsoft.Json Nuget package as a project reference and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying the same plugin.

    2) Also, I have a custom code activity that uses a "Business Library" based visual studio project reference (which is also used in other project types e.g. Console app etc) and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying it.

    Can I please be advised if doing the ILMerge is the only option here?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Regards, AR


  • ARTECH Profile Picture
    ARTECH 247 on at
    Is ILMerge is only the option?


    I am wondering if I can get some help with ILMerge related clarification query.

    Basically, I have the below 2 (D365 online) scenarios and wondering if there is any way to avoid doing the ILmerge!?:

    1) I have got a Plugin project that uses Newtonsoft.Json Nuget package as a project reference and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying the same plugin.

    2) Also, I have a custom code activity that uses a "Business Library" based visual studio project reference (which is also used in other project types e.g. Console app etc) and thus requiring the ILmerge to be done before deploying it.

    Can I please be advised if doing the ILMerge is the only option here?

    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Regards, AR


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