RE: Business Central: Warehouse entry & Item ledger entry Not Synchronized and how to fix?
Adding to what Josh wrote... I cannot explain with any certainty why the Warehouse Entry is different from ILE. I am also guessing you only have Bin Mandatory for the Location setup and not Directed Pick/Put-Away set to TRUE. My first area to look at is the Posted Shipment. What was the Bin Code entered and Location. If this was filled in correctly,
I have seen this corrected, from a Microsoft endorsed solution, manually by asking a Partner to do the following:
Go to Bin Contents
Change field properties for QUANTITY and QUANTITY (BASE) to editable
Go to Bin Contents page/form and update quantities to reflect ILE quantity (i.e. brought from 27 to 15)
Change field properties back to non-editable
In the warehouse entries table you see two correcting entries (with no date) for -12, one to correct quantity and the other quantity (base).
I would read both the article Josh gave you the link to and what I've written and decide the correct approach. Hope this helps but talk to your Partner to assist here.