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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition

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I am working on procurement and sourcing module setup in D365 F&O. So far, I have the following configuration:

1. Procurement category hierarchy (with released products added to category nodes)

2. Catalog (Active and Published)

3. Purchasing policy (Catalog policy rule and category policy rule)

However, when I create a purchase requisition and click "Add products", I can see the categories but not the items added to the catalog. Please advise what I am missing. 

I really appreciate any help you can provide! 

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition

    Arina, hi

    I guess that the product catalog hasn't been published.

    1. Add item in the procurement categories
      1. According to the 'Category access policy rule' purchasing policy be sure to select a category added in this policy
      2. pastedimage1657745803783v1.png
      3. pastedimage1657746238198v1.png
    2. As a result the item must be added in the procurement catalog
      1. pastedimage1657745860481v2.png
    3. Publish catalog
    4. Item should appear in Purchase requisition
      1. pastedimage1657745920371v3.png
  • RE: Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition

    Yes, the products are released

  • Dogan Adiyaman Profile Picture
    Dogan Adiyaman 688 User Group Leader on at
    RE: Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition

    Are you sure that selected products are released in your legal entity?

  • RE: Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition

    Thank you for your reply!

    The hierarchy role association is set to Procurement Category Hierarchy already, so that is not the reason.

    The products are also added under the desired procurement hierarchy node.

    However, I still don't see those items when I select "Add products" from the catalog to a purchase requisition.

    Would you have any other suggestions why it's not working? Thank you!

  • vivekd365singh Profile Picture
    vivekd365singh 235 on at
    RE: Cannot add catalog items to a purchase requisition


    Probably due to if role assosication is not done yet !


    and ensure the same catorgory you hav created and products are added under the same . pastedimage1657450849011v2.png

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