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Changing section field width not working

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Hi all
I'm trying to change the width of a section to give more room for a longer attribute title.  Because of other UI concerns, I can't move the label to the top of the attribute. 
1. The tab is two columns (I've created a test tab using standard fields)
2. The section on the left is the issue.  The current settings are:
Note: this is from the legacy UI.  I can't find where to change this in the modern UI. 
3. This is what it looks like on the preview (legacy UI).  This is the expected behaviour. 
Please note: I have of course published the changes.
4. This is what it looks like in the model app - which is the 115 width setting:
5. As a test, I created more sections with different widths
 Here is the screen shot with three different widths (from the legacy UI)
Here is the screen shot from the actual app:
Anyone know what is going? 
I've looked at the XML using the FormXML tool in the XRMToolbox and the labelwidth is correct in the XML.  
  • ba365guy Profile Picture
    ba365guy 2,946 on at
    Changing section field width not working
    Microsoft has not cracked this yet in UCI.

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