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Posting a product receipt after posting an invoice in a Voyage : Landed cost module

Posted on by 48
Hi community,
When working with the Landed Cost module in Dynamics 365, I need to post the product receipt after invoicing. However, no lines are visible in the "Post product receipt" screen.
While the "Receive goods in transit" function works correctly, my goal is to post the product receipt and retain the ability to print the journal afterward.
  • Suggested answer
    Posting a product receipt after posting an invoice in a Voyage : Landed cost module
    If you post product receipt before invoice then it work as usual. 
    But if you post invoice first then based on landed cost setup and Delivery term setup, system will receive the goods in the GIT ( Goods in transit) warehouse on posting on invoice and at the same time , system will create Goods in transit order. So, when goods are arrived at warehouse, you post the Goods in transit order which will transfer the goods from GIT WH to actual warehouse. 
  • Mayouni Profile Picture
    Mayouni 48 on at
    Posting a product receipt after posting an invoice in a Voyage : Landed cost module
    Yes Billur.
    When I verify the "Post product receipt" before invoice, it's okay, lines and quantities are displayed.
    But after invoicing, the "Post product receipt" does not contain any lines.
  • Suggested answer
    BillurSamdancioglu Profile Picture
    BillurSamdancioglu 13,747 Most Valuable Professional on at
    Posting a product receipt after posting an invoice in a Voyage : Landed cost module
    Did you post the invoice first?

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