How can I create a new Ledger Calandar Year in D365 Dynamics?
How can I create a new Ledger Calandar Year in D365 Dynamics?
Ah! My bad,
Cornwall- Can we kindly ask you to shed some light and update us?
Ramit, it's not MY issue. Scroll up to the TOP.
Hello Lorne Rogers,
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Hello Lorne Rogers ,
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Hi Cornwall,
Fiscal calendar – used for creating fiscal years (Jan-Dec / Jun-Jul / Apr-Mar)
Ledger calendar – used to open periods/put them on hold, provide transaction posting access to specified users while denying access to others
Here is the blog which explains this difference. Hope you find this useful.
Kindly mark this thread 'Yes' if this is answered your query which may help other community members in this forum.
Note: This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my company.
Please follow the below path
Ramit Paul, as far as I know BC doesn't offer that capability, so it would be F&O.
Which product you are using?
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