Okay - client is on V10 - has been for quite sometime - had a power outage over weekend which apparently has resulted in this problem.........
Symptom -
In Sales Transaction entry the system is not displaying any currecny decimal places. Everything is in whole numbers - very strange!
I began troubleshooting and quickly noticed it was system wide - Inventory transactions also displaying whole numbers..........then I went into the functional currency setup - Tools > setup > financial > multicurrency.
The functional currency is $USD. Reporting Currency is $USD. The exchange rate was showing/displaying as 1.'000000 (instead of 1.000000)
I assumed that an end user must have inadvertently changed - I thought I had found the problem. I went to change it back...................and this is very strange...........the system would not let me!!!
I then drillback to the Functional Currency setup screen - I notice there is no ISO code for the $USD - I enter USD and click save - go back to the multicurrency screen - and now the system will let me make the change..........
I make the change from 1'0000 to 1.0000 and I assume I'm home free......
Everything worked for a couple of hours - several sales orders successfully entered. User calls back - the problem is back...
Further troubleshooting - my solution - that is change something on functional currecny setup screen - allows me to correct/change exchange rate on multicurrency setup - but as soon as I close GP client and re-login the problem re-occurs........
Has anybody seen anything like this? I am opening a case with MBS - but I would love to hear if anything similar has occurred..........
What can cause system to automatically change the exchange rate field on multicurrency setup? By the way - the SQL table that stores that value always has the correct value - 1.00000. In other words. it's the form which is changing - without human intervention!!!!!
Appreciate any thoughts on what might be causing this..........
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