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Parent Business keeps auto filling the new business unit

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Version: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Version 2104 ( (DB on-premises
We have been using Dynamics CRM since 2015, and have a business unit called London which until now has been the only business unit on our system. Everything is set up and assigned to London.
I have recently created a new business unit called Ireland.
I want to create a new parent business unit called Europe, which would be the parent business unit of London and Ireland.
However, whenever I try to create Europe without a Parent Business, it automatically fills in London as the Parent Business. I cannot change it to anything else.
I cannot set the Parent Business of London to Europe as London is the parent of Europe.
How do I get around this? or stop it setting the Parent Business automatically?
  • Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Parent Business keeps auto filling the new business unit
    Just in case, you can reassign all.
    And something else to keep in mind: if a user's or team's BU is modified, don't forget to reassign them security roles!
  • AT-15050947-0 Profile Picture
    AT-15050947-0 9 on at
    Parent Business keeps auto filling the new business unit
    Hi Leah,
    Thank you for your reply, I understand why I need to do that. What I'm planning on doing is:
    • Renaming London to "Root CRM"
    • Creating the BUs Europe, London, and Ireland.
    • Root CRM would have Europe as a child.
    • Europe would have London and Ireland as a child.
    I can see I can re-assign records, users, and teams to London. Do I have to re-assign custom entities and processes to London too? I want to make sure I don't miss reassigning anything.
  • Suggested answer
    Leah Ju Profile Picture
    Leah Ju Microsoft Employee on at
    Parent Business keeps auto filling the new business unit
    Based on your description, the 'London‘ is the root business unit.
    The value of its "parent business" field can be null because it is the top level.
    And it will be populated in the parent Business field automatically when you create one new, which is by-design.
    As one workaround:
    Re-create new BU named 'London', but the Europe Bu need be populated with original root BU。
    My example:

    I hope you can mark my answer verified if it answer your question! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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