Here's one that after 4 hours of analysis, I cannot figure out. Client is reconciling October 2010 AR (go figure) on GP 7.5. Run the Historical ARTB at 9/30/10 for ONE customer results in $X. Run the same report, filtering for only October transactions @ 10/31/10 returns $154k in transactions. One would expect the 10/31/10 Historical ARTB for that customer to equal $X+$154k=$Y. However, the result showing on the report @ 10/31/10 = $X+$444k.
I have analyzed the transactions every way I can think of, using Smartlists, exporting the ARTB at the end of both periods to Excel and further analyzing, running the ARTB with every combination of options, exclusions turned on and off, running based on both GL Posting Date and Document Date, etc. I've run Checklinks on the AR tables, the Reconcile utility with every option possible, and even checked the same periods using a different customer, which tied out perfectly. That tells me it has something to do with that Customer and the only thing I can think of is perhaps a write-off or an FX variance that doesn't appear on the ARTB. However, that's unlikely given the size of the difference ($290k).
Anyone have any ideas where I should look next?
Thanks in advance!
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