RE: Security Role/Task for Add-ins using VS Tools
Well, assuming you're testing PowerUsers and non-PowerUsers on the exact same Dynamics GP instance and your VST addins have been added to the AddIns folder of that GP instance, the VST code is going to run whether or not the user is a PowerUser or not, it's just whether the user has security access to that object, such as a window.
If you look in the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports window, do you see these VST windows that you are referring? If so, expand them and do you see an alternate version of the window? I mention this because even though users can be PowerUsers or not, they are also assigned to an alt/mod ID, such as DEFAULTUSER, and it is through this ID that users are given access to modified objects and/or alternate objects.
For example, if you had a BSI version of a window, users may not have access to it until you assign permissions to the alternate version of the window via their alt/mod ID, whether DEFAULTUSER or whatever.
Other than that, you could try a dexsql.log of when a PowerUser access these custom windows to see if you see any calls to the SY10000 view or SY10800 table, which could potentially give us the securityid of the object you would need, along with the dictionary id and secrestype value, to potentially add that object to a custom security task and role.