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Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

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Hi all, 

I'm trying to set up a report for our sales manager to be able to see the following

- the total number of leads and opportunities by the contact assigned to the job

- the total revenue on jobs by the contact assigned on the job. 

for example Mr X has given us 5 jobs and the revenue of those 5 jobs total £1,000. 

Can it be done? I've created a report and can see the contact on the opportunities but then it just lists the revenue on each job and doesn't total it. 

Any assistance would be great. 


  • dian74 Profile Picture
    dian74 2,475 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

    You definitely want to check when the rollup calculation was ran last. Did you try manually recalculating the rollup fields on the contacts you are having issues with? 

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,959 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact


    Each Rollup field creates two accessory fields with <fieldname>_date and <fieldname>_state suffix pattern.

    Can you please add these two fields on your form and check the value of it.

    State Description

    0 => NotCalculated The field value is yet to be calculated.

    1 => Calculated The field value has been calculated per the last update time in _date field.

    2 => OverflowError The field value calculation resulted in overflow error.

    3 => OtherError The field value calculation failed due to an internal error. The following run of the calculation job will likely fix it.

    4 => RetryLimitExceeded The field value calculation failed because the maximum number of retry attempts to calculate the value was exceeded due to high number of concurrency and locking conflicts.

    5 => HierarchicalRecursionLimitReached The field value calculation failed because the maximum hierarchy depth limit for the calculation was reached.

    6 => LoopDetected The field value calculation failed because a recursive loop was detected in the hierarchy of the record.

    Also, have you tried calculating the value of rollup field manually by clicking on Refresh button on form.

    Online recalculation option. If you hover over the rollup field on the form, you can see the time of the last rollup and you can refresh the rollup value by choosing the Refresh icon next to the field, as shown below:

    Rollup field on the account form in Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement.

  • louisa lane Profile Picture
    louisa lane 190 on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

    Hi, here is the calculation for the field.. there are about 5 contacts out of around 80 that it isn't working on, i've checked the opportunities and the revenue is showing in there in the same way as on the opportunities where the field is working on other contacts. It seems strange as on the whole it is working just not for these few contacts, they are live contacts, there is nothing different to the contacts that are working.. we also have a field for the number of opportunities they have given us and that is working, its just the revenue that isn't working on these 5 contacts.. 


    any ideas welcome as i don't get why it works for some but not others.. 



  • dian74 Profile Picture
    dian74 2,475 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

    Glad it worked! Can you send me a screenshot of the calculation of the field? Is is possible that it doesn't calculate for inactive contacts, or contacts related to an inactive account?

  • louisa lane Profile Picture
    louisa lane 190 on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

    Thanks, this worked perfectly, i didn't think of using a roll up field. I have one issue though.. some of contacts are showing as £0 revenue although when i look at their opportunities there is a figure in there. I don't understand why it isn't pulling them through but it is for other contacts? any ideas welcome.

  • Verified answer
    dian74 Profile Picture
    dian74 2,475 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Creating a report within Opportunities that show the total value of opps for a contact

    You could create a rollup field for the related number of opportunities and total revenue of the opportunities on the contact form. You can then use these fields for the report. (These already exist on the account form and are called 'Open Deals & Open Revenue which should help you configure them for contacts) Here is an article on  how to create rollup fields: Create rollup fields in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises) | Microsoft Docs


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