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Power Pages Authentication with B2C Custom Policy


Securing public facing websites is a complicated task.  Businesses have standardized their authentication strategies for external stakeholders and you'll need an approach for integrating those strategies into your Power Pages website.

Power Pages allows for integrating with authentication providers like Azure Active Directory B2C, as well as social account providers like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.  These authentication providers will address most authentication requirements for Power Pages without requiring your external stakeholders to maintain a separate set of credentials to authenticate to your website. 

But what about the edge cases?  What if your Identity Provider (IdP) is not on the list?  What if your IdP has requirements that are not supported natively by Power Pages? 

These scenarios demonstrate the true value of Azure Active Directory B2C.  Azure AD B2C can serve as an IdP, and it supports configuration with external social or enterprise IdPs.  It also allows for federation with generic SAML IdPs like Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). 

The configuration between Power Pages and Azure AD B2C is straight forward and enabled via a wizard in Power Pages management.  If, however, your authentication strategy requires a custom policy in Azure AD B2C, this will introduce a bit of complexity.  The next sections will walk you through completing the necessary steps to implement a custom policy in Azure AD B2C that will allow for integration with your Power Pages website.



Custom policies are a set of XML files you upload to your Azure B2C tenant.  These XML files define your technical profile and user journey

In addition, the B2C issuer is required to send a claim that identifies the Azure AD B2C tenant that issued the token.  In the B2C user flow UI, this is a simple dropdown that indicates tfp in the URL. 


In a custom policy, the XML must be defined in a way that supports this issuer claim.  The importance of this claim is to indicate the ID for the Azure AD B2C tenant and the user flow that was used in the token request. 

  • https://<domain>/tfp/{B2C_tenant_GUID}/{Policy_ID}/v2.0/


This in compliance with OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 spec.  You can learn more about Azure D B2C custom policies here.

The custom policy starter pack on GitHub is a great way to get started with custom policies as it contains all the XML configuration files necessary to enable your IdP.

You will need to complete a series of pre-requisite steps before making your specific updates to the starter pack files. These steps are documented in detail on the B2C learn site and the relevant links are included below for you to reference as needed.

  1. If you have not created one already, create an Azure AD B2C tenant that is linked to your Azure subscription.
  2. Register a web application, and enable ID token implicit grant.


Next, you can follow the tutorial below to generate signing and encryption keys, register the identity experience framework applications, and create a custom policy.

  1. Tutorial - Create user flows and custom policies - Azure Active Directory B2C | Microsoft Learn


The tutorial above configures a policy using the SocialAndLocalAccounts directory of the starter pack.  Azure AD B2C (local), and Facebook (social) can be configured as IdPs.  You can upload this custom policy to the Identity Experience Framework in Azure AD B2C after you have completed the tutorial.  However, this is NOT enough for the custom policy to work with Power Pages.  You will need to configure Token compatibility for the custom policy to work with your Power Pages website.  


Token Compatibility:

By default, the starter pack does not enable the issuer claim for tfp.  You will see this in the custom policy:

  1. In Azure AD B2C, open Identity Experience Framework
  2. In the list of custom policies, select B2C_1A_SIGNUP_SIGNIN
  3. In the B2C_1A_SIGNUP_SIGNIN, open the OpenID Connect discovery endpoint


Notice that the issuer property does not include tfp, and only contains the B2C tenantid. 


If you attempt to use this in your Azure AD B2C configuration for your Power Pages website, you will receive an error like the error below when Power Pages attempts to redirect the user to the B2C login experience.



To correct this and use the custom policy, you will need to make updates to the TrustFrameworkExtensions and SignUpOrSignin file.  The Token Compatibility updates are documented and described here, but we will walk through the necessary steps below:

  • First, you will copy the JwtIssuer technical profile from the TrustFrameworkBase file into the TrustFrameworkExtensions file.  This will allow you to extend the technical profile while leaving the base configuration intact.
  • Next, the IssuanceClaimPattern and AuthenticationContextReferenceClaimPattern metadata items need to be added to the technical profile.  These metadata items determine the issuer claim.  To simplify this, an example is provided below (line 14 and 15):

      Token Issuer
          JWT Issuer


  • In the Extension file, create a ClaimsSchema node in the BuildingBlocks node, and create the trustFrameworkPolicy claim type:

      Trust framework policy name


  • In your SignUpOrSignIn file, create an output claim that references the new ClaimType:



After these updates are completed, upload the TrustFrameworkExtensions and SignUpOrSignin files to Identity Experience Framework in that order. Make sure to check the box to Overwrite the custom policy if it already exists

Once the files have been uploaded, refresh or reopen the OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. If the updates were made correctly, the issuer property should include tpf, the B2C tenantid, and the custom policy id.



Use this issuer to update the Azure AD B2C configuration for your Power Pages website.  This time, when your website redirects the user to the B2C login experience, they should be met with the Azure B2C login page showing their configured IdPs:



Taking it a step further:

If you have made it this far, thank you.  You might be asking yourself, where is this useful? 

Azure AD B2C offers a wizard like configuration for many IdPs, but not all of them.  Such was the case with a customer of ours that required website users to authenticate with a SAML 2.0 IdP that is not widely adopted.  Their IdP could not federate directly to Power Pages due to encryption requirements that are not supported.  In this situation, the TrustFrameworkExtensions required updates to include: 

  • A technical profile that federates the customers IdP with Azure AD B2C.
  • A SAML technical profile for session management.
  • An update to the user journey that referenced the new claim provider.


Similar steps are described in this walkthrough to configure Active Directory Federation Services as a SAML IdP in Azure AD B2C.  When completed successfully, the IdP is federated to Azure AD B2C, and should be available in the user journey:


B2C can validate the SAML token, extract the claims, issue its own token, and take the user back to Power Pages.



You may encounter some issues while building this out.  Here are some things to look out for:

Site Setting - Authentication/Registration/LoginButtonAuthenticationType 

  • This site setting allows the Sign-In button in the header nav bar to link directly to the sign-in page of that external IdP.  This site setting is important when your site requires a single external IdP to handle all authentication.  If this site setting is in place, the value must match the issuer used in the Azure AD B2C configuration.  If these do not match, the user will be met with a 404 response.


Run now - Testing the custom policy using B2C Run now endpoint

  • This can be used to validate that the IdP appears in the sign up or sign in user journey. However, if you try to authenticate to Power Pages using the Run now endpoint, Power Pages will reject the request.  If the sign in request does not initiate from Power Pages, querystring parameters like nonce and response_type will be incorrect, state will be missing, and this will cause session verification to fail.


By no means am I an expert in Azure AD B2C, but I was able to follow the guidance to achieve our customer’s requirement.  Hopefully this helps you feel empowered and prepared to address this requirement for your project.
