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Session Id : V98KYECMKS1vn4e4aBBzu3
Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / Ms. Dynamic Millennial / Dynamics 365 for Finance – ...

Dynamics 365 for Finance – Balance Control Accounts

Hello D.M.-azing D365 Community!

In this article, I want to share another feature which I think is not commonly used in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. This feature serves as a tool for users to view the available balance in a particular ledger or main account before posting a journal without leaving the journal creation page and even without running a trial balance or other available reports.

What are we waiting for? Join me as I explore and unbox the feature in D365 F&O called Balance control accounts and let us together gain and improve our knowledge about D365 F&O.

The very first thing that we need to do is a quick setup on our Balance control accounts.

1.a) Go to General ledger > Chart of accounts > Accounts > Balance control accounts.


1.b) Click New button and select from the drop-down form a main account.


Once done with the above, allow me to help you determine on how we can use this setup.

2.a) Create a journal. It can be a general journal, accounts payable journal and even an accounts receivable journal. For this illustration, general journal.


I want to show the Balance control form before entering a value in the debit or credit column of the journal line.


2.b) Now, let us enter a value in the debit column of the journal line.


2.c) On the action pane, click Inquiries > Balance control. The system updated the balance for ledger account 110110.


I also want to show that even without doing the Balance control setup process we can still make use of Balance control inquiries.

3.a) Create a journal. For this illustration, we will use a vendor payment journal.


I want to show the Balance control form before entering a value in the debit or credit column of the journal line. The Before journal balance for Bank accounts is the running balance of the transactions for the bank account.


3.b) Now, let us enter a value in the debit column of the journal line.


3.c) On the action pane, click Inquiries > Balance control. The system updated the balance on the bank account.


The Balance control window is composed of five columns with corresponding value or amount and these columns are what will give us the view of the available balances in a particular main account.

Before journal Balance before posting the journal that the user currently created.
Transactions Balance in the journal that the user has currently created.
After journal Balance after deducting Transactions amount from Before journal amount.
Other journals Balances that will be deducted from Before journal Balance from other unposted journals.
After other journals Before journal – (Transactions + Other journals)

Basically, this tool shows to the process owner on how to determine the balance in a ledger account or even for a bank account and also helps in a simple decision making as this aids users to come up with the idea if an account still has a sufficient balance to fulfill a transaction.

That’s all for this blog. I hope that you find this article as a helpful tool for you to better appreciate and understand, everything and anything, about Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

It will truly be a privilege if you will allow me to know your thoughts and suggestions for me to further improve the coming featured articles on our blog.

This is Ms. Dynamic Millennial blog. Be equipped. Be informed.

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