Product receipt is the process of recording the products that were ordered, have been received. Once received, the purchase order lines can then be processed for invoicing. There can be multiple product receipts posted against a purchase order and there might be situations where we may need to post an invoice for a particular product receipt.
In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition we can use the match product receipt function during creation of purchase order invoice to select a particular product receipt.
Let's do a quick walk through: Below are three product receipts posted against a purchase order
When we go to invoice the purchase order and use the highlighted option to default invoice lines from the product receipt quantity, system will by-default include all the posted product receipts "multiple" and will show in the product receipt as shown below
To choose a particular product receipt by using the Match product receipt functionality , click on "Match product receipts"
A new form will open where we can select any particular product receipt and the invoice will get updated to refer to the selected product receipt
Enter the invoice number and post the invoice
We may need to build a process where we need to automate this and want to post invoice for a particular product receipt. You might just have the product receipt number and a purchase order number provided to you.
To do this from X++ code you can use the below code and make it as an API to post Invoice for a particular product receipt. It uses the product receipt number as the invoice number during posting.
To use it quickly below is the code:
public static void main (Args _args)
TmpFrmVirtual tmpFrmVirtualVend;
PurchFormLetter_Invoice purchFormLetter;
VendPackingSlipJour vendPackingSlipJour;
SysQueryRun chooseLinesQuery;
SysQueryRun chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery;
container conTmpFrmVirtual;
List selectedList = new List(Types::Record);
PurchId purchId = "PO00001" ; //Purchase order number
PackingSlipId packingSlipId = "PCK0001"; //Product receipt number
select firstonly vendPackingSlipJour
where vendPackingSlipJour.PurchId == purchId
&& vendPackingSlipJour.PackingSlipId == packingSlipId;
if (vendPackingSlipJour)
tmpFrmVirtualVend.TableNum = vendPackingSlipJour.TableId;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.RecordNo = vendPackingSlipJour.RecId;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.NoYes = NoYes::Yes;
tmpFrmVirtualVend.Id = vendPackingSlipJour.PurchId;
chooseLinesQuery = new SysQueryRun(queryStr(PurchUpdate));
// chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery needs to be initialized, although it will not be used
chooseLinesPendingInvoiceQuery = new SysQueryRun(queryStr(PurchUpdatePendingInvoice));
purchFormLetter = PurchFormLetter::construct(DocumentStatus::Invoice);
purchFormLetter.chooseLinesQuery (chooseLinesQuery);
purchFormLetter.purchTable (PurchTable::find(PurchId));
purchFormLetter.transDate (systemDateGet());
purchFormLetter.parmParmTableNum (strFmt("%1",packingSlipId)); //This is invoice number
purchFormLetter.printFormLetter (NoYes::No);
purchFormLetter.sumBy (AccountOrder::Auto);
purchFormLetter.specQty (PurchUpdate::PackingSlip);
while select tmpFrmVirtualVend
conTmpFrmVirtual = selectedList.pack();
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