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Virtual Entities for Finance and Operations Apps | September 23, 2020




Harsh Birla, Senior R&D Solution Architect, Microsoft
Satish Panwar, Senior Program Manager, Microsoft
Steven Koppens, Senior R&D Solution Architect, Microsoft
Sudhakar Reddy, Principal Software Engineer, Microsoft


Finance and Operations is a virtual data source in Common Data Service, and enables full create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations from Common Data Service and Microsoft Power Platform. By definition, the data for virtual entities doesn't reside in Common Data Service. Instead, it continues to reside in the application where it belongs. To enable CRUD operations on Finance and Operations entities from Common Data Service, entities must be made available as virtual entities in Common Data Service. The allows CRUD operations to be performed, from Common Data Service and Microsoft Power Platform, on data that resides in Finance and Operations apps.

All Open Data Protocol (OData) entities in Finance and Operations are available as virtual entities in Common Data Service, and therefore also in Power Platform. Join this TechTalk to learn how this enables makers to build experiences in customer engagement apps with data directly from Finance and Operations, with full CRUD capability, and without copying to Common Data Service.


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