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Community site session details

Session Id :

[Education] COVID-19 Research Impact Tracker

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Universities, especially research centers, are struggling to understand the impact of COVID-19. This solution will focus on summarizing the impact of loss because of COVID-19 restrictions. Departments will be able to report productivity loss for each member of the team every month. This summary information will also assist universities in reporting to understand and aggregate the loss impacted at each sponsored program, grant, department, and college level.

App has been deployed in Purdue University and Team is currently working on generalizing the solution and making it available to other universities as well. Work is done in collaboration with Higher EDU team(marketing) & Office EDU team.



Contributors from BAG Ops: Ed Lehman; Ramana Sridhar Vaidyanathan; Satyakumar K, Manas Maheshwari


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