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Failure on the UPR00905 (Payroll Master Employee ACA) table: The conversion process encountered an error and the temporary table did not get removed.

Hello -

When updating to the Microsoft Dynamics GP US Year End Release 2015 for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 (MicrosoftDynamicsGP12-KB3102154-ENU.msp) or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 (MicrosoftDynamicsGP14-KB3102158-ENU.msp), you may encounter the following error on the UPR00905 (Payroll Master Employee ACA) table if you are upgrading from 12.0.1801 or any version/build PRIOR to this:

The conversion process encountered an error and the temporary table did not get removed.

In the Dexsql.log file you may see something similar to the following:
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PKUPR00905'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.UPR00905'. The duplicate key value is (2015, 1000           ,        , Feb 20 2015 12:00AM).  

If you are going to be upgrading to the Microsoft Dynamics GP US Year End Release 2015 for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 or Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 and you are on 12.0.1801 or any version/build PRIOR to this, you will want to run the following script:
*As always, ensure that you have valid back-ups of your DYNAMICS or Named System Database and your Company databases before proceeding.*
Delete DU000010 where PRODID = 0 and fileOSName = 'UPR00905' and conversionScript = 'convertUPR00905forGP14TX2'

If your upgrade is already in the failed state and you are upgrading from 12.0.1801 or any version/build PRIOR to this, you will want to go through the following steps:
*As always, ensure that you have valid back-ups of your DYNAMICS or Named System Database and your Company databases before proceeding.*

1) Run the following scripts against your DYNAMICS or Named System Database:

Delete DU000010 where PRODID = 0 and fileOSName = 'UPR00905' and conversionScript = 'convertUPR00905forGP14TX2'


Delete DU000030 WHERE (Status <> 0 or errornum <> 0) and Status <>15

2) Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities and allow the upgrade to continue.

Thank you!
Sarah Purdy | SR Technical Advisor | Microsoft Dynamics GP


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