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Add / Embed Forms Pro Survey on Website and capture Response on dynamics 365, source of survey as variable context

In our previous video, we created anonymous survey and checked who to pass a variable as a parameter in Survey URRL

  1. We received a requirement from Sitecore team to provide them a method from which they can send us to lead using a form but they don’t want any integration or use of API
  2. We created a contact us Survey informs pro, provided them embedded link to check and we also added a variable source who’s valued by default was Website.
  3. This way we were able to track from where these responses are comming

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Step 1: Create a new Variable in forms pro survey

  1. create a new Variable “Source” which will be used to get source of the anonymous survey
  2. For testing, we will place Variable in Subheading

Step 2: Generate code to embed Survey on your website

  1. We can use QR code, simple link or website embedding to distribute our anonymous survey
  2. Here we will embed the survey on our website and use survey response to create a lead-in CRM
  3. Copy the code generated

Step 3: Paste the copied script on to the website page

  1. this script is to render the survey form on the webpage as iframe
  2. But we need to create a place holder in our HTML page

Also, please we need to do some styling otherwise survey iframe will show a link not full Form

  • Now we will add parameter as context in our place holder when rendering the survey

Publish the page and you will see forms pro survey rendering successfully with our source variable value as DVMSKE.COM


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