UCI : Disable Editable Grid for Entity list , Unable to double click lead record from entity list or getting error while opening record from Entity list
We have enabled the Editable grid for sub-grid and quite familiar how it works but using it on entity list is not so common as we have thousands of records and we don't want to mess with validation like a duplicate rule or business rule in Entity list.
But if by any chance you have enabled editable grid in Entity List it will be following up with lots of validation issues over UCI. Below are the steps to disable it. With Control option over Entity itself

We can see in the above image there is legacy data that is duplicate and was ignored and saved, but when Migrating to UCI the Entity list is having Editable control which does not allow to open record because of this duplicate rule but nor giving any exact error.
- we can disable Editable gird control from the entity.
- We can do modification to duplicate rule as desired so we can avoid error in entity list
- Or we can review Business Rule as well especially the one with Entity as the scope
Hoping this was helpful. thanks
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