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{Feature} ‘Flip Switch’ control for Two OptionSet in Web Client

With the release of Dynamics 365 V9, Microsoft has released some cool new controls for better user experience and visualizations. However most of these controls are only available the Unified interface.

For web client, the only custom control available is for the ‘Two OptionSet’ field – “Flip Switch”. It has an interactive design and a toggle functionality.


Be default “Flip Switch” control is not added/ enable for web client. If you wish to add it on your entity form, you can follow the below step:

1) Open the form Editor for the Entity you wish to enable this control for. For demonstration purpose, I am using OOB Account entity and Two Option set field available under the “CONTACT PREFERENCES” section


2) Select the “Two Option” field “Email” and click ‘Change Properties’:


3) Click on ‘Control’ tab, ‘Add Control’. This will open the ‘Add Control’ box to select the control from the list


4) Select the ‘Flip – Switch’ control and click ‘ADD’


5) Once added, select the option ‘Web’ for ‘Flip Switch’ control and click ‘OK’


6) Save & Publish Customization.

7) Back to the Account record, refresh the form and notice the new control


There is no limitation on how many fields you can enable it for, so you can enable it for whole section. This is also applicable for custom entities.



Isn’t it awesome . I hope Microsoft will soon release other controls as well for web client.


Note: I couldn’t find any documentation around this, so this should be considered as undocumented feature and probably unsupported unless we have the official documentation around it implementation.


Hope this helps!

 - Ravi Kashyap


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