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Developing a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension: How to Request a Unique Object Range

How do I obtain a unique 70,000,000 object range in my license for developing a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension for submission to AppSource?

Step 1: 

Ensure you have PSBC access

To obtain an object range for developing a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension, you must first have access to PartnerSource Business Center (PSBC). Access is provided by having an active Solution Provider Agreement (SPA) if you are a reselling partner using the Dynamics Pricelist or a Partner Registration Agreement (PRA) if you are a non-selling partner. The relevant contract can be requested through your local Regional Operations Center (ROC) Contracts / Agreements Team below

Step 2: 

Request a 1,000 object development range by completing “Phase 1” of the Microsoft Dynamics Object Range Request Form

Once PartnerSource access has been granted, a 1,000 object range can be requested to develop your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension by completing “Phase 1” of the “Microsoft Dynamics Object Range Request Form” and sending it to the relevant ROC below

Partners who intend to develop their solution in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and Microsoft Dynamics NAV can request to have the same object range for both products. As of April 2 2018, objects granted in the range 1,000,000 – 98,999,999 can be used for development in both products. An active Registered Solution Program Addendum (RSPA) is required for partners who wish to be granted an object range for Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

​Partners who only intend to develop their solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central will be granted 1,000 objects in the range 70,000,000 – 74,999,999.

Your local ROC will then complete “Phase 2” of the form and provide you with your own 1,000 object range to develop your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension.

Step 3: 

Generate your Demonstration Development License from the PartnerSource Business Center

Your local ROC will then notify you once your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension has been set up, and you will then be able to view the object range in PSBC. A PSBC Guide for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extensions has been provided to walk you through the process for managing the Development license, objects and reseller permissions in PSBC.

Step 4: 

If you need to share your 1,000 object range with another ISV, please fill out one of the following forms

To share your 1,000 object range with another ISV, you can complete the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Shared Object Range Agreement for your area, and return to the relevant operations center:

The post Developing a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Extension: How to Request a Unique Object Range appeared first on Jatin Patel - Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


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