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What is A Super User?

Scott_iTalent Profile Picture Scott_iTalent Community Manager


If you’ve been exploring our community, you might have come across someone with who has been extremely active in helping others on the site, or have been recognized by the Community Team for their outstanding contributions. They might be a Super User!  

As the name suggests the Super Users are the superheroes of our community. They are especially active and helpful community members who respond with solutions to issues. Besides providing a large volume of useful content and interactions, they are also recognized for the quality of their posts. These Super Users are invited to special monthly Super User meetings with the community leadership and product teams. They have access to private discussion areas and are given previews of future community and product features. Another perk is that Super Users may be nominated for consideration to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) title.

To be considered as a candidate for the Super User program, members must:

  • Consistently demonstrate behaviors that exemplify the Community Code of Conduct.
  • Achieve a minimum of 10 Verified answers during the qualification period.
  • Achieve at least 100 Community Points during the 6-month qualification period through desired community activity.

The Community Team may also take into account off-community activities to evaluate a member’s Super User qualifications.

Community Super Users are from across the globe. They are essential to our community because they help increase the knowledge of all members. Be sure to check out their profiles or say 'hi' when you meet them!



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