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Consolidating customer and vendor balances in Business Central

Alexandra Horbatenko Profile Picture Alexandra Horbatenko 401 User Group Leader

When client works with a company as customer and vendor at the same time, they will want to avoid making unnecessary payments or receipts and save on transaction fees. 

Microsoft has developed another feature that allows to consolidate the customer and vendor balances by  netting the difference so that either the customer or vendor balance remains, depending on which amount was bigger. Here are the steps to configure this feature in the system.

1. On the Contact Card, navigate to Action, Functions, Create as  then choose if you want to change it as a customer, vendor, bank or employee. In our example, there is already a customer card in the system.

2. On Customer Card, Balance (LCY) as Vendor will show up.

3. On Payment Journal,  select prepare and Net Customer/Vendor Balances to create payment journal lines to which the net balances for a customer and vendor are linked.

Hope this will help. Thank you for reading!

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This was originally posted here.


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