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Dynamics 365 Community / Blogs / ECELLORS CRM Blog / Sorry, you’ll need to sign ...

Sorry, you’ll need to sign up – How to fix?

Hi Folks,

Recently while I was working with my Power Apps in Edge browser, faced this issue with no clue on first sight and see community reaching out to Power Apps forum. So thought of sharing simple work around.

I was using, while I clicked on Signout of my current logged in account in the maker portal. Next time when trying to login, it kept on prompting the message saying you need to signup. It takes me no where to re-enter my credentials, opening in other tab doesn’t help even.

It didn’t gave me any clue about what this error was exactly seeing the URL of this page.

As per Microsoft article referenced below, I have simply tried to clear my browser cookies and cache and soon able to open the maker portal without any issue.

References:Troubleshooting startup or sign-in issues for Power Apps

Hope this helps someone facing similar issue…



This was originally posted here.


*This post is locked for comments

  • Community member Profile Picture Community member
    Posted at
    Sorry, you’ll need to sign up – How to fix?
    Another workaround is to work in incognito. It's a tad annoying but works. 
  • DanielLL Profile Picture DanielLL
    Posted at
    Sorry, you’ll need to sign up – How to fix?
    I ran into a similar issue today. I work on powerapps on my work pc, I'm trying to log in now and got the same error.
    This is the screen I see. Is it the same as you saw?
    Strangely, I can log into Power Automate and powerBI
    Would love to hear what is causing this, likely an authorisation option.
    Only solution for me is to work on my work laptop :( So much for cloud based.