Today’s #TipTuesday is a continuation of my series on Fixed Asset transactions in Dynamics GP and what G/L accounts get used where. Today is the second-last of the series, where I will walk through a catch-all set of scenarios around what kinds of asset changes impact the G/L. Half of the scenarios are here, and the rest I’ll cover next week.
The previous posts so far are:
- Additions with & without YTD/LTD amortization
- Depreciation/Amortization
- Retirements in the 1st year of ownership
- Retirements after the 1st year of ownership
- Different retirement types & impact on Gain/Loss Account
- Retirements with proceeds and sale expenses
Setting the stage
For this post, I’m going back to my original “Buildings” assets, from the first couple of posts in the series. At the time of writing this, here is the asset card I will be using for most of the changes and its various values right now.
Change #1 – G/L Account change on Accounts window
The first change I made was altering some of the G/L Accounts on this card’s Accounts window. Here’s what I changed (made the G/L accounts for a fictional “Department 100” for amortization expense, asset cost and accumulated amortization).
What does this impact? There is no G/L posting as a result of an account change. However, any future transactions will start to use these G/L Accounts on the subsequent transactions. Example: after changing these, I ran depreciation and here is the G/L posting result:
Change #2 – G/L Account change on Mass Change window
Similar to the above scenario, there is no G/L posting as a result of a Mass Change to G/L Accounts.
On future transactions, they will use the new G/L Accounts though. I didn’t post through any depreciation entry but it does exactly the same as Change #1 illustrates.
Change #3 – Mass Change Class ID
Out of curiosity, I decided to also do a Mass Change on the Class ID of this asset. Just for fun, I moved it to the FURNITURE class. The result: No G/L impact although, once again, future transactions would use the new settings (in this case, amortization settings based on a new useful life and/or new G/L Accounts if an Account Group was on that Class ID as the default).
The 3 changes I discussed in this post today are all things where there is no immediate G/L impact. All of them could impact future transactions and which G/L Accounts are used, as they are changing the configuration for subsequent transactions.
If you are undergoing a re-class type of project where you want to move assets and costs from one place to another including the G/L values, you may want to consider Transfers, which I’ll cover in my wrap-up post next week.
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