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Entity List Part 3: Grid Configuration

This is the third in a series of blogs demonstrating configuration of Entity List. Check out the second installment for an overview of all topics covered throughout this series.

Actions can be configured for the records in an Entity List using Grid Configuration. Column attributes can also be modified and customized to display data based on requirements.

These settings are found in the Configuration section of the Entity List form. By default, only basic settings are shown. You may click on the “Advanced Settings” checkbox to show additional settings as shown in the screenshot below.


View Actions

View Actions are used to add action buttons on the Entity List and they appear above the grid. View Actions are applied on the Entity List and not on individual records. Two actions can be defined as mentioned below.

Create Action: The “Create” action can be configured by clicking on the “+Create” button on the Grid Configuration as shown below.


Enabling the “Create” action renders the button above the Entity List. Clicking on the button will pop up a dialog with the Entity Form as shown below. The “Target Type” can be an Entity Form, Web Page or URL based on requirement.

Note: The Entity Form drop down will only show the Entity Form with the mode as “Create”. In case there is no Entity Form with Create mode, the drop down will be Empty.

A “Button Label” can be used to Override the HTML label displayed in the “Create” Action button.



Download Action: Enabling the “Download” Action will render the “Download” button on the Entity List. Clicking the button will download the data from the Entity List into an Excel (.xlsx) file.



Item Actions

Item Actions are used to add action buttons for actions that are applicable for an individual record of the Entity List. They appear on each row of the grid based on the privilege granted using Entity Permission. The actions below are available.

Details Action: Enabling a “Details” Action allows a user to view a read-only Entity Form of a selected row in the Entity List. Once the Entity List is rendered, clicking on the “View Details” option will pop up a dialog box with the read-only form. If the Entity List's entity type has no Entity Forms, the drop down will appear empty.




Edit Action : Enabling an “Edit” Action allows a user to view an editable Entity Form that is linked to the record of the selected row from the Entity List, provided the “Write” privilege has been granted by Entity Permissions. If the Entity List's entity type has no Entity Forms, the drop down will appear empty.



Delete Action : Enabling a “Delete” Action allows a user to permanently delete the record of the selected row from the Entity List, provided the “Delete” privilege has been granted by Entity Permissions.



Workflow Action: Enabling a “Workflow” Action allows a user to run an On-Demand Workflow against the record of the selected row from the Entity List. You may add any number of “Workflow” Actions to the Entity List.

If the Entity List's entity type has no Workflows, the drop down will appear empty.



Create Related Record Action: Enabling the “Create Related Record” action will allow users to create an associated record based on the Entity and relationship selected. Once the “Entity Name” and “Relationship” is selected using a drop down all available Entity Form for the selected Entity will appear in the drop down.


Activate Action: Enabling the “Activate” Action will activate the record in the Entity List. The “Activate” button will only appear for inactive records. If there are no Inactive records present in the list, the button will not be rendered.


Deactivate Action: Enabling the “Deactivate” action will deactivate the record present in the Entity List. The “Deactivate” button will only render for Active records.



Override Column Attributes

“Override Column Attributes” allows you to override display settings for individual columns in the grid. “+ Column” can be used to add more columns as shown below.

Attribute - The logical name of the column that needs to be overridden.

Display Name - A new column title need to be defined which will override the default name.

Width - The width (in either percent or pixels) of the column to override the default.




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