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Session Id : jmAHvjee9OJBtCL4eVZQ+0

How to create bank account in Dynamics 365?

To create bank account, you must create main account and bank group  (mandatory data)

Now I will create the main account 110130

just go to the general ledger module and access main account form as shown below

then we will create the bank group

go to cash and bank management/setup/bank groups

Now, we are ready to create the bank account

then we will create the bank group
go to cash and bank management/common/bank account

click new and the required data as shown below
(bank account number /main account/currency/bank group/..)

Also, you can control credit limit for  this account and you can activate this account during a specific period by using active from and active to

After that, you can fill all data as you need like address

you can add contact information and finincial dimension


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