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Session Id : KzKBDvp2dLOHlttapbAQuV

Do you know Uniconta?

keoma Profile Picture keoma 32,717

Because working with D365 BC is not that fun and the features are for small customers too much (they pay for many, what they don't need), i started with Uniconta. First of all, it is far away from big ERP Systems like NAV and BC. The marketing propaganda says it's easy to use ... So what is the reality?

Uniconta is a new cloud based ERP System. At first view some nice features, quite cheap, very fast, but lacks in some kind in the areas configuration, usability and business logic. It's quite hard to customize it in that way we know it from NAV. It's easy to add fields in tables, but not easy to add a button with it's on functionality. It's not possible too change existing code, e.g. the posting routines like in Nav often done.


  • Often needed information is not available on the current point, e.g. item ledger entries (i.e. inventory posting entries in uniconta) are not available in the shipment list.
  • Shipment can be created from an order multiple times without changing anything in the system except that there is a new shipment in the list. That's really disturbing.
  • Creating a shipment does not reduce the item stock. That's also really disturbing.
  • To post an order only for delivering, but without invoicing was really hard to find out, how this simple basic erp process works in uniconta. that after some needed configuration (sales preferences, activating of some inventory module features) the item quantity of the sales line is removed from stock immediatly when you set up the quantity in the sales line and not after posting, is quite strange. seems that this is a kind of reservation. is this a well considered erp process? not sure ...

I tested a lot, found a huge number of programming/logic/translation failures and irritating and/or not translated error messages (some of them are like "error has occured"), wrote a lot, lot mails to the austrian support. It's tedious ... Nevertheless, maybe i will continue, will see, if i have the time ...

In the end, who knows, maybe it will be developed into the right direction. Hopefully the bugs will be fixed and the usability & the business logic will be better.

For more details see:



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