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Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Saving Payroll Batch default in Transaction Entry

Isaac Olson Profile Picture Isaac Olson

In previous versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP the Payroll Transaction Entry window would reset the Transaction Defaults for Pay Period From and To back to the user date and 0 days and weeks worked when the window was closed.  This new feature will save your Transaction Defaults in the Payroll Transaction Entry window on a per batch basis.  This allows you to close the window and come back at a later time to continue entering transaction into the batch, and the window will remember what Transaction Default selections you used the last time you worked on the same batch.

To access this new feature, go to the Transactions menu, point to Payroll, and click on Transaction Entry.  Then select a Batch ID.  Any changes made to the Transaction Defaults section of the window, will be saved specific to your Batch ID when you close the window. 

Payroll Transaction Entry with Transaction Defaults highlighted

The next time you open the Payroll Transaction Entry Window and select the same Batch ID, your Transaction Defaults will appear based on your previous selections.

Note: The Transaction Defaults saved on Reoccurring Batches will maintain their same values and will not automatically increment the From and To Dates.

I hope you enjoy this feature!  Continue to check back to the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 - Feature Blog Series Schedule page to review upcoming blog posts related to our new features and other helpful resource links.

Isaac Olson

Microsoft Support


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