Hello Team,
recently I was preparing Demo Environment (NAV2018 CU02) for customer and found out that all my apps are able to download with "Download Source" action on "Extension management" page.
When you create app for Business Central - you can regulate it with ShowMyCode parameter in app.json file. When it FALSE - your app can't be exported (and also you can't see its code in debugger). FALSE is default value - so you needn't to do whatever.
But in my case - it had no influence on action's enable property. So what's the matter?
If we look at page 2500 (Extension management) code (Download source action property) we see the next:
Page based on NAV App table - let's check it :
All extensions which you create - has "Tenant ID" field not blank. Even if you set it blank in Launch.json file it will have 'default' value in NAV App table:
If you make them empty (edit field in SQL management studio), as MS extensions - you'll get the needed result:
Action disabled.
But what about Business Central? Let's check the same page and the same action:
Easy, isn't it?
This problem has been fixed in NAV2018 CU08 (august update). So, if your NAV is older - you can just update your page number 2500 from new database (or manually, but I don't like to change standard objects). Or blank "Tenant ID" field of your app in NAV App table.
Hope, it was useful for you!
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