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How to make a copy of Model-driven Power Apps app?

Working on a new Dynamics 365 project or creating a new (model-driven) Power Apps for your customers? One of the first few things to do is to setup a new app.

Particularly in the context of Dynamics 365, this “new app” approach makes a lot of sense as it enables a more personalised and tailored user experience for users while hiding all those features and screens which are not part of the project.

Creating a brand-new model-driven app requires creating an app, setting sitemap, choosing forms, views etc. – all of this is not super difficult but does require some efforts. How about you could save this time by cloning an existing app and then tailor it for the use. This is what this post is about – #ProductivityTip!

OK, so how to make a copy of an app?

For this post (inspired by some real-life projects) we are creating a lighter version of Dynamics 365 Field Service app. Go to your solution (destination: Click on New to create a new model-driven app

Enter the name, description, icon etc. of the new app and then select ‘Use existing solution to create the app’. Click Next.

On the next screen, you’ll see a list of solutions. Browse through the list to select Field Service

Oops, there are 2 Field Service solutions to select. On some digging, I found this is happening because the list is showing both solutions and patches. If you view all the solution (separate browser window), you’ll see Field Service solution has got a patch of the same name.

Select the first one and you’ll be asked to select ‘Sitemap’. Select the only option on the list.

Click Done!

…and be patient. It took a couple of minutes for me and then opened a new app designer window. This is your new app which is an exact clone of out of the box Dynamics 365 Field Service app. You can make changes in forms, views, icons and sitemap.

Since we are setting up a lighter version of Dynamics 365 Field Service, I took out a few Advanced features like Agreements, Inventory, Purchasing, IoT etc. Saved and published the app and…

The new app is ready to be served (err… used). All set and ready in less than 5 minutes

Thanks for reading!

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