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Missing Pagination Control

Description of Error

Since CRM 2013 launched, subgrid pagination controls have been buggy. One of the ones that have stuck around for a long time is the disappearing subgrid control when you hit the last page. The issue seems to be a logic bug in javascript that doesn't display the list if there are fewer elements than configured. This affects CRM online and on-premise. I have not yet confirmed if the bug is still there in CRM 2015 (v7.0x)

Steps to Reproduce

  • Find a subgrid with more than one page of elements

  • Page to the end and see the control disappear


There are no known supported fixes, but there is a javascript posted on the CRM community that fixes the visibility:


If you need to wait for the supported fix from Microsoft (as of writing, nothing fixed for v6.0x or v6.1x (SP1)), then teach your users to right click and refresh the subgrid when they see this issue.


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