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Unified Dev ALM for Finance and operations | June 27, 2024

Join us for an insightful TechTalk on mastering Unified Development ALM! Learn how to implement CI/CD for Power Platform assets using Azure Pipelines. We’ll cover everything from getting started with AzureDevOps to version control with Git, branching strategies, and more.

Plus, watch two live demos on development flow and CI/CD in action. Don’t miss out on this comprehensive guide to elevating your development process, hosted by the Dynamics 365 FastTrack team's Pankaj Thakur, Sourabh Namilikonda, Ankur Srivastava, and Priyanka Sinha.
00:00 Intro
00:16 TechTalk Series Agenda
00:50 Agenda
01:43 Objectives
03:06 Unified Application Lifecycle Management
03:54 Getting started on Azure DevOps (ADO)
04:00 Configure Azure DevOps
05:16 Configure Azure DevOps – Finance and Operations
05:56 Configure Azure DevOps – Customer Engagement
06:14 Version Control
06:55 Version control using Git
08:36 TFVC vs Git terminology
09:37 Source Control Guidelines
10:28 Branching
10:49 Branching strategy
12:32 Branching in Git
14:12 Development flow
15:30 Demo 1
24:28 Continuous integration and deployment
25:18 Demo 2
55:13 Verify deployment history and logs
56:01 Resources
56:46 Summary and Key takeaways
57:35 Q&A
58:48 Closing comments
•    Pankaj Thakur, Principal Software Engineer
•    Sourabh Namilikonda, Software Engineer II
•    Ankur Srivastava, Senior Solution Architect
•    Priyanka Sinha, Senior Solution Architect


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