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How to assign number sequence for sales invoice per customer group in Dynamics 365?

many customers need serial sales invoice for retail customer and other wholesales...etc 

How can we implement?

I suppose this scenario for customer groups (10, 20) as the below 


1-create two number sequence 

number sequence for customer group 10

go to organization adminstration module/number sequences /number sequences 

number sequence for customer group 20

2-assign number sequences in accounts recivable parmaters 

go to accounts receivable/ setup/ accounts recivable parmaters

access number sequence tab and select customer invoice reference 

click group button 

create 2 number sequence group as the below 

assign the created number sequence group for customer invoice reference

3- assign the number sequence group for customers based on your requirements   

so we can update all customers that related to customer group 10 with number sequence group 

Go to  accounts receivable / customers / all customers

edit customer and open invoice and delivery tab, then select the number sequence group 

note:: this is number sequence as default for the customer and you can change it in sales order 

as the same for all customers, you can select number sequence group 


1-create a sales order for your customer

Go to  accounts receivable/orders / all sales order 

click new to create a new sales order and select your customer 

click ok to open sales order details 

Go to header to check the number sequence group that pulled from customer default  data 

Go to sales order lines and select items to complete invoice 

2- invoice sales order to check the sequence for sales invoice 

click invoice 

the  invoice number pulled from number sequence group 10

By the same method, I create invoice for customer that assigned to number sequence group 20

the number sequence pulled from number sequence group 20 as the below 



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