If you are developing report based on query rather on based on RDP, you may want to make use of some display methods, but those may not work. “Not work” means no error in compilation or build, everything great but you may not see any results while you run the report. The returned data can be empty.
If so is the case, I would recommend to create a View and write display methods on the view. Now the display methods which are coming from View, will show you results properly. This is strange but true. You may be wondering “How will I use view in my report??” simply join it in the query with your table, Views can be used as tables in AX queries. I have witnessed this issue till App version 7.3 PU12.
So far I have not tested this on App Version 8.0, you can test yourself, if you have an open Instance of App 8.0 at moment. I am not sure what is cause of this issue or if there are any plans to fix this. There isn’t any public information on this at moment.
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