I have been trying to get all the Item no. in the RFQ Lines (Request For Quotes Lines) as in one string concatenating all with a pipeline(‘|’).
Let me just jump into the code how did I perform this filtration.
rfqHeader.RESET; rfqHeader.SETRANGE(rfqHeader."No.", "No."); rfqHeader.FINDFIRST; rfqLine.RESET; rfqLine.SETRANGE(rfqLine."Document No.", rfqHeader."No."); IF rfqLine.FINDSET THEN BEGIN REPEAT IF Filter = '' THEN Filter := rfqLine."Item No." ELSE Filter += '|' + rfqLine."Item No."; UNTIL rfqLine.NEXT = 0 END; PurchInvHeader.SETRANGE(PurchInvHeader."Buy-from Vendor No.", rfqHeader."Vendor No."); PurchInvHeader.FINDFIRST; PurchInvLine.SETFILTER(PurchInvLine."No.", Filter); PurchInvLine.FINDSET; CLEAR(ItemVendorReport); ItemVendorReport.SETTABLEVIEW(PurchInvLine); ItemVendorReport.RUN;
Variable “Filter” will concatenate all Items within the filter. Check out the screenshot.
This concept is inspired by Codeunit 41, TextManagement.
In the Codeunit, please refer to the AddToFilter() method which concatenate the strings.
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