Word Template borders not printing correctly after making modifications?
Have you ever accidentally deleted a template border, then added it back, but when you print the template, the border is still missing! I’ve had a few cases come in, were users just can’t get the borders back after modifying them. Below are steps I used to correct a Modified SOP Blank Invoice template.
Here is how the template printed when the Partner sent it in:
As you can see, the bottom border keeps repeating after every line item and there is not a bottom border surrounding the whole table. Looks a little Messy.
What I like to do, is clear all the borders in this body section and start over.
1. Open up the template and be sure you have View Gridlines marked. (click on table >> Table Tools >> Layout >> View Gridlines)
2. Highlight the entire table (body section), right click and select table properties >> Borders and Shading
3. Mark None for the border and it should be applied to the whole table
4. Now the table should have no borders, just gridlines
5. Highlight the entire table again right click and select table properties >> Borders and Shading
6. Select Grid, Select the color you need, then unmark the middle horizontal inside border. The setting will switch to Custom and your preview should look like below:
7. Click OK and save
8. Now if you print this, it still doesn’t look right, but we are closer.
9. Go back to the template and we need to modify the rest using the border painter.
10. Select the table >> Table Tools >> Design >> Select the proper pen color >> Mark Border Painter
11. With the painter, mark each horizontal border needed. So this will be modifying it cell-by-cell.
12. For this particular customer, they wanted a blank space between the top two rows and the repeating data. So to get rid of the orange vertical borders, select No Border from the drop down and using the Border Painter, select each vertical border.
13. Now test the report. Look what happens!!! Still doesn’t look right!
14. What I found out, is since the first row is a repeating row, it creates a top border above each line item. To avoid this, insert a row above the repeating row. Then remove the horizontal border between the new row and repeating row.
15. Here is how it prints now!
Hope this is helpful!
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