This TechTalk will provide an overview of the latest developments and best practices in the field of sales tax currency exchange rate type, which is a key factor for cross-border transactions and compliance. It will also showcase the integration of project transactions with our tax calculation service, Furthermore, it will introduce the concept of a universal tax rate API, which aims to simplify and standardize the access to the external tax rates providers across different jurisdictions and platforms. Finally, it will discuss the benefits and challenges of tax calculation engine unification, which is a strategic initiative to harmonize the tax calculation logic and data across multiple models and applications.
00:00 Intro
00:44 Agenda
01:21 Sales tax currency exchange rate type
02:52 Demo
04:57 Project transaction integration
07:53 Universal tax rate API
12:18 Tax calculation unification
17:40 Demo 2
28:43 Tax calculation updates
31:23 Q&A
55:57 Closing comments
00:44 Agenda
01:21 Sales tax currency exchange rate type
02:52 Demo
04:57 Project transaction integration
07:53 Universal tax rate API
12:18 Tax calculation unification
17:40 Demo 2
28:43 Tax calculation updates
31:23 Q&A
55:57 Closing comments
Kai Liang -
Ekaterina Podkolzina -
Maple Nan -
Kai Liang -
Ekaterina Podkolzina -
Maple Nan -
*This post is locked for comments