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How to Import a Bank Statement File for Bank Reconciliation in Dynamics 365 Business Central

Alexandra Horbatenko Profile Picture Alexandra Horbatenko 401 User Group Leader

 In this article, let's take a look how to import CSV file of your monthly bank statement into Dynamics 365 Business Central for smooth and quick bank reconciliation process.

1. Navigate to Data Exchange Definitions

2. Under General Tab on Data Exchange Definition Card.

1Code = a code for the report purpose ( in my example, BANKSTMTCSV)
2. Name = description of the purpose 
3. File Type = Variable Text

4. Type = Bank Statement Import
5. File Encoding = WINDOWS
4. Column Separator = Comma
5. Reading/Writing XMLport = 1220
6. Ext. Data Handling Codeunit = 1240
3.  In the Line Definitions tab below define the correct value for Column Count that matches the number of columns in your bank statement CSV file that you will be importing.

4.In the Column Definitions tab, match each line you plan to import to a corresponding column in the CSV.

1. Column No. = Which column number in the CSV file this line refers to.

2. Name = Name for the column title in the CSV file.

3. Data Type = [Some examples: Date, Text, Decimal, etc.]

4. Data Format = d/M/yyyy

5. Data Format = For data types of date and decimal, enter “en-AU”

5. Go to the Field Mapping tab where we can map our columns from the import bank statement CSV file to the correct table columns in Dynamics 365 Business Central. In the first line, select the first created column from Data Exchange Definition. Then, in the Field ID column, find the corresponding column in the Bank Acct. Reconciliation Line table in Business Central.

6. Now navigate to Bank Export/Import Setup and click New in the toolbar. 

Enter a Code and Name.
Direction = Import
Processing Codeunit Id= 1270
Data Exchange Definition Code = <The name of your Data Exchange Definition>

7.Go to Bank Accounts and select the card of the Bank Account you would like to use. Under the Transfer tab, enter in your import name in the Bank Statement Import Format field.

Now you are all set to import the bank statement CSV file.

Feel free to comment if there are any question that I can help with.

This was originally posted here.


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